Revision for Post-Kantian collections - Hilary 01

Greg Detre

Thursday, 19 April, 2001

Michael Rosen/Dr Tasioulas


Revision for Post-Kantian collections - Hilary 011

Planned topics1


Past papers 20011



Past papers 20012


Planned topics

? Nietzsche on truth

? Nietzsche on ethics

? Nietzsche on ER, OM, WTP etc.

Hegel on ethics

Hegel vs Kant



Past papers 2001

Does art require Platonic ideas?

Is Nietzsche a pessimist?

'Egalitarianism cannot be true, since even an egalitarian does not think that inegalitarians are equal to the proponents, let alone the originators, of egalitarianism.' Should Nietzsche accept this argument?

Could a Christian be a superman?

'Nietzsche is less interested in art as such than in his own artistic vision of life.' Discuss.

Does any of the philosophers you have studied for this paper give a satisfactory account of truth?


what does morality in this sense mean: �Morality is not the only possible form of ethical life, however, but a particular form that has been brought about by the ascetic ideal�? (Routledge)


Past papers 2001

What is dialectic?

Does Hegel have good arguments against the view that reality is unknowable to us?

'The word Geist ('spirit, mind') is too confused and ambiguous to serve any useful philosophical purpose.' Is this fair?

Does Hegel give a coherent account of the relationship between reason and freedom?